Behavior Supports

Does your child have behavior challenges? Partner with school staff to decide what assessments and Interventions may be needed to change the behaviors.


The IEP team may ask for your consent to do assessments to better understand your child's behavior. Information gathered from assessments is used to:

  • Develop strategies to prevent problem behavior
  • Teach your child more appropriate behaviors
  • Have school staff respond in ways that
    • increase positive behavior
    • decrease inappropriate behaviors

The two most common forms of behavior assessment are:

Classroom Observation

Your child is observed in the classroom and other school settings. The observer gathers information on:

  • How learning occurs
  • Your child’s behaviors
  • What conditions are present

Functional Behavioral Assessment

The Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a problem-solving process used to identify:

  • The reasons for a behavior
  • The possible interventions to address it

For more information about FBAs, visit the New York State Education Department’s website.


Schools have a system of behavior support and intervention in place to help students manage behavior. This may include:

  • Whole school supports
  • Classroom interventions
  • Individualized supports

Once your child has received whole school and classroom interventions, you and your child’s school may determine that individualized supports are needed. The team may consider the following interventions:

Behavior Intervention Plan

After the FBA, the IEP team may develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). The BIP is a plan to address problem behavior. It includes:

  • The target behavior(s) and goal(s)
  • Positive behavioral interventions and strategies
  • Accommodations or modifications
  • How the plan will be monitored and updated if needed


Helps students improve social and emotional skills in school. Goals may address:

  • Appropriate school behavior
  • Self-control
  • Peer relationships
  • Conflict resolution
  • Low self-esteem

Parent Counseling and Training

Helps you understand your child's disability and behavior. This can prepare you to respond to behavior at home in a manner that is consistent with the school's BIP.

Your Child’s Rights

Manifestation Determination Review

Students with disabilities are entitled to a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) if they are removed from their regular educational placement due to suspension(s) or teacher removal(s) that last:

  • More than 10 consecutive school days;
  • More than 10 total school days in a 40-day school-day period; or,
  • More than 10 total days in a school year if the behaviors are a pattern of removals.

What it Is

The MDR is a meeting that includes you and members of your child’s IEP team. There are two possible outcomes of the MDR:

  1. The MDR team determines that the behavior was a result of the student’s disability or that the DOE failed to implement the IEP.
    • Your child may not be suspended or removed from his regular educational placement, except in limited circumstances.
  2. The MDR team determines that the behavior that led to the disciplinary action is not a direct result of the student’s disability.
    • Your child may be subject to disciplinary action.
    • If your child is suspended for more than 10 consecutive school days, a suspension plan will be developed by the school or the suspension site that describes the special education services they will receive during the suspension.

In either outcome, the school will take steps to examine your child's behavior and provide additional supports, where needed. You can review the worksheet used by the school during the MDR meeting, below.

Appealing the MDR

You have the right to request an expedited Impartial Hearing to appeal the MDR outcome. Learn more by:

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