The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement of our plan to provide your child with a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in their Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

Please speak with your IEP team if you would like an interpreter at your child's IEP meeting, or if you would like a translation of your child's IEP, assessments, or notices.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

  • This means that your child will be in schools and classrooms with non-disabled peers for as much of the day as appropriate. This is important because more time with non-disabled peers' results in Higher scores on math and reading tests;
  • Fewer absences from school;
  • Fewer referrals for disruptive behavior; and
  • Better outcomes after high school.


The IEP team, which includes you the parent, will determine if your child is eligible for special education services and requires an IEP.

Eligibility for Preschool-Age Children (Age 3-5)

If your child is not eligible, an IEP will not be developed. Instead, information from the evaluation will be given to the principal of your child’s school. The principal can work with staff to help your child.

Disability Classifications

Students must be eligible for one of the 13 disability classifications as defined by the New York State Education Department’s Regulations of the Commissioner of Education: Part 200.

Contents of the IEP

Your child’s IEP includes information about your child, and the unique strengths and needs that are considered to develop a plan of the appropriate special education supports and services that will allow your child to access, participate and progress in the general education curriculum. For reference only: an example of a blank IEP. The following are major sections of the IEP:

Present Levels of Performance

A description of how your child is currently doing in school. This includes:

  • Evaluation results
  • Academic achievement
  • Social development
  • Physical development
  • Management needs

If your child requires an accessible school building this will also be noted in this section. Find out more about the accessibility of DOE buildings.

Measurable Annual Goals

Academic, social, behavioral, and/or physical goals that can be reasonably met in a school year.

Progress Reports

A description of when you will receive updates on your child’s progress.

Recommended Special Education Programs and Services

A list of the programs and services your child requires in order to access, participate and progress in the general education curriculum. This includes the date the programs and services will begin, how often they will be provided, where they will be provided (in the classroom or another school location), and the length of each session.

Participation with Students without Disabilities

The extent to which your child will participate in general education classes and other school activities with his/her non-disabled peers.

Participation in State and District-Wide Assessment

This section identifies if your child will participate in the same State and district-wide assessments that are given to general education students or if your child will participate in alternate assessments for students with severe cognitive disabilities. Regardless of the type of assessment in which your child participates, s/he may have testing accommodations.

Find out More

Consenting to Services

After the IEP is developed, the IEP team will ask you for written permission to start services. We will not arrange for any services to be provided until we receive your informed consent to do so.

You can withdraw your consent for special education services at any time. After withdrawing consent, you have the right to change your mind. If you later decide you want your child to be evaluated for special education services, you must write a new letter and give it to the school, CPSE, or CSE.

A reevaluation can also be requested by you or school staff but will not take place more than once a year unless you and the DOE agree otherwise in writing.