District Planning


The Office of District Planning (ODP) creates annual strategic plans for all 32 Community School Districts through ongoing conversations with input from school communities and stakeholders. This cyclical process, known as the District Planning Process, entails:

  • Engaging communities and stakeholders to identify needs and priorities;
  • Reviewing district data and space in buildings;
  • Convening planning committees;
  • Creating district-level strategic plans; and
  • Developing scenarios and proposals to address district needs and priorities.

View district data summaries or visit the District Planning Document Library to view other uploaded district planning documents. 

State Education Law provides certain new and expanding charter schools with access to facilities. Charter schools requesting space in a DOE facility, must fill out the  Charter School Space Request Form.

The Citywide Instructional Footprint is a tool used for the analysis and assessment of space usage in DOE buildings.

Potential Actions to Address District Needs

ODP manages and/or supports the following processes that help address district needs:

  • Re-zoning and unzoning;
  • School Closures and Mergers;
  • Siting of new district and charter schools;
  • Grade truncations and expansions;
  • Re-siting of existing schools or programs; and
  • Siting or expanding programs.

Chancellor’s Regulation A-185

Chancellor’s Regulation A-185 governs the process to change zone lines for elementary and middle schools. Under A-185, Community Education Councils (CECs) approve zone lines for their respective Community School District. Superintendents submit rezoning proposals to CECs, in coordination with ODP, and CECs must vote on the proposal with 45 days of its submission.

A-185 Zoning Lines for Elementary and Middle Schools available in:

Visit the District Planning Document Library to view A-185 proposals and other rezoning information.

For questions or further information about rezoning proposals, please send an email to one of the addresses below, depending on your borough: 

Chancellor’s Regulation A-190

Chancellor’s Regulation A-190 governs the public review process for any proposal resulting in a significant change in school utilization, including:

  • Grade expansions and truncations;
  • Co-locations of new or existing schools;
  • Closures;
  • Consolidations; and
  • Re-sitings.

Every proposal must be published at least six months prior to the start of the school year. Each proposal requires:

  • An Educational Impact Statement and, where applicable, a Building Utilization Plan
  • A Joint Public Hearing
  • An Analysis of Public Comment
  • A vote by the Panel for Educational Policy (PEP)

Visit the PEP pages to view A-190 proposals.

View the 2023-2024 Under-Utilized Space Memorandum for a list of buildings with under-utilized space.