NYC Solves


Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, we will be launching an initiative called NYC Solves. The goal is to ensure that all New York City students develop math skills, a critical requirement for educational, career, and lifetime success. Based on extensive research, NYC Solves will ensure that students use high-quality curricula taught by well-trained and coached teachers.

Phasing in over the next few years, NYC Solves will require high school math classrooms to adopt a single, uniform curriculum called Illustrative Mathematics. For middle schools, districts will choose from a list of pre-approved curricula.

Why is this important?

Too many of our high school and middle school students are not meeting grade level proficiency in math. Two-thirds of Black and Latino students are not performing at grade level in math, and students in temporary housing and other students who have formal gaps in their education can fall behind when moving to a new school using a different curriculum.

As we have seen with NYC Reads, standardizing curriculum options across all New York City Public School Districts, ensures that all students have access to the tools they need to build strong math skills and that instruction is consistent from grade to grade and school to school, offering our city's students a more level playing field. Using a standard curriculum allows teachers to collaborate easily with their peers and superintendents and principals to do professional development effectively while ensuring consistent quality class-to-class and school-to-school.

What are the goals of this program?

Our goal is to ensure that every student in every classroom has access to quality, research-based curricula selected through collaboration between superintendent and principals that is supported by deep, intensive training and support. Teaching our children to be skilled mathematicians is an absolutely essential step in ensuring each New York City Public Schools student graduates on a pathway to a rewarding career and long-term economic security, equipped to be a positive force for change.

About the Curricula

A curriculum is how standards, or learning goals, for every grade and subject are translated into day-to-day activities. As part of the NYC Solves initiative, all high schools will use Illustrative Mathematics and districts will choose a comprehensive, evidence-based curricula for middle school math instruction from an approved list.

Each curriculum has been reviewed and met expectations by EdReports, a nationally recognized nonprofit organization. In addition to the EdReports review, each selected curriculum has undergone a formal review by a committee of New York City Public school educators including school leaders, central staff with expertise in mathematics, special education and multilingual learners and district-based mathematics specialists. This NYCPS review was based on alignment with the NYCPS Shifts in Mathematics, quality of mathematical tasks, strength of math language development, engagement of and accessibility for diverse learners, and alignment with CR-SE principles.

You can learn more about the high school curriculum by accessing the Illustrative Mathematics website.

Superintendents are engaging their communities and are in discussion with their principals and will make their decision based on the feedback they receive.

All 11 High School Superintendencies participated in the implementation of Illustrative Mathematics in 2023-2024. By the end of 2024-2025 the majority of high schools across all superintendencies will be using Illustrative Mathematics for Algebra 1.

2, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 26, and 32.


Community districts participating in 2024-2025 are all districts that have already widely adopted Illustrative Mathematics in their middle schools.

The Division of School Leadership met with superintendents one-on-one to discuss this new policy and superintendents opted in to participate in this phase of the rollout.

No. A curriculum provides the framework of what to teach and offers research-backed pedagogy to support the teaching of the content, but a strong educator must bring their added value, strategies, personality, and knowledge of their students to the work as well.

NYC Solves aims to provide every student with the tools they need to become successful mathematicians, and ensure that both our students and staff have the support that they need.

New York City Public Schools will support the implementation of the core curriculum through our existing collection of resources that demonstrate how to make grade-level content (e.g., ELA, math) accessible for English Language Learners (ELLs). These resources are designed with a commitment to valuing students' real languages, experiences, and histories-both in what the lessons are about and how they are taught.

New York City Public Schools provides teachers with professional learning and educator resources designed for use with the core curriculum that demonstrate how to support English Language Learners (ELLs) in the classroom and help to ensure equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive instruction for all students.

Resources for Families

There are many resources available for families to continue promoting math education at home, and to ensure that your child is getting solid math instruction.

  • Attend an Open House: take opportunities to engage with your school to learn more about what your child is doing in the classroom.
    • We encourage parents to attend Open House nights and other opportunities to engage with the school and school leadership so they can ask questions like, is my child receiving regular instruction in math? How often and when? What support is the school providing when my child needs extra help? How can I support them with their learning at home?
  • Ask your child about their work: Check in with your child and ask if they are enjoying math and if they understand what they are learning.
    • Can your child explain what they are working on in mathematics?
    • If you ask them why they solved a problem the way they did or how they know if their answer is right, can they explain their thinking to you?
  • Do the Math! When children see other members of their family use mathematics in daily life, they are more excited about learning. Think out loud with them as you schedule your day, double a recipe, budget at the grocery store, etc. We also believe that seeing other members of the family using mathematics is a great way to encourage students in these skills outside of the classroom.

For more resources to support mathematics at home, visit our Family Math Engagement Resources which provides activities and ideas to help students continue learning beyond the classroom.