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  1. IEP Meeting

    Get information about the IEP meeting so you and your child will be prepared.

  2. Impartial Hearings

    If you have a child with disabilities whom you believe did not receive a free and appropriate public education or reasonable accommodations, you can request an impartial hearing.

  3. Starting the Process

    Learn how to get started with your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP).

  4. Getting Support

    Get resources to help answer questions about your child's special education needs and services and get contact information for DOE staff.

  5. Transition from High School

    Help your student with a disability get ready for what comes after high school. Get supports, timelines and more options for students when they turn 21.

  6. Middle School Students

    Get information about middle school options for students with disabilities, and how to apply to programs.

  7. High School Students

    It's never too early to start planning for high school. You can start as early as sixth grade. Get the information you need to find the right fit for your child.

  8. Preschool to Age 21

    Special Education in NYC | Moving to Preschool | Moving to Kindergarten | Students with Disabilities and Gifted and Talented | Moving to Middle School | Moving to High School | After High School

  9. Behavior Supports

    Does your child have behavior challenges? Partner with school staff to decide what assessments and Interventions may be needed to change the behavior.

  10. Making a Referral

    If you want your child to be evaluated for special education services, you must make a referral, this page covers what you need to know.

  11. Your Rights

    Learn your child’s rights to a Free Appropriate Public Education and your rights to be involved through Due Process.

  12. Talking About Disability

    Talking to children about disability can help them better understand themselves and their peers. Find information to help you get the conversation started.