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  1. Middle School Students

    Get information about middle school options for students with disabilities, and how to apply to programs.

  2. Related Services

    Related services can help students take part in school and achieve their educational goals. Recommendations for Related Services are part of the IEP.

  3. High School Students

    It's never too early to start planning for high school. You can start as early as sixth grade. Get the information you need to find the right fit for your child.

  4. Extended School Year Services for July and August

    ... special education instructional programs and/or related services provided during July and August. ESY services are different from general education summer school. If your child was determined to require ESY services a...

  5. Supports and Services

    Assistive Technology | Behavior Supports |Related Services | Specialized Transportation | Other Special Education Services | Testing Accommodations | Extended School Year Services

  6. C-225 Education Administrator - Instruction Specialist License Requirements

    ... special education children, including the characteristics and problems of these children and the ways of meeting their special needs. In lieu of 3 semester hours of the specified 6 semester hours in special education,...

  7. 36345_Special-Education-Resources_20231030_Korean_Web

    특수 교육 리소스 뉴욕시 공립학교 장애학생 대상 모든 아동의 성공은 뉴욕시 공립학교의 최우선 목표입니다. 저희는 모든 아동이 배우고 성장하고 발전할 수 있는 안전하고 따뜻한 교육 환경을 조성하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 여러분의 자녀에게 알려진 장애가 있거나 자녀의 발달, 학습, 행동 등에 우려가 있을 경우, 뉴욕시 공립학교가 돕겠습니다. 우리 학교들은 모든 학생들에게 열려 있으며, 저희는 ...

  8. 36345_Special-Education-Resources_20231030_Chinese_Web

    特殊教育資源 紐約市公校系統的殘障學生 讓每名孩子取得成功是紐約市公校系統的頭等要務。 我們致力於創建一個安全和溫馨的環境,讓所有的孩 子能夠學習並茁壯成長。 如果您的孩子已知有殘障,或者如果您對於子女的成 長、學習或行爲有任何疑慮,紐約市公校系統會爲您 提供幫助。我們的學校對所有學生開放,而且我們致 力於提供支援,使您的子女可以取得成功。由學校專 業人員組成的團隊,包括教師、心理學家、物理治療 師、輔導員等將與您會面,討論如何為您子女...

  9. 36345_Special-Education-Resources_20231030_Bangla_Web

    স্পে�শাাল এডুুকে�শান সংংক্রাান্ত তথ্যয-সংংস্থাান NYC পাাবলিল� স্কুুলসং-্ এ প্রলিতবলি�তাযুুক্ত লিশাক্ষাাথ্যীবৃন্দ প্রত্যে�েক শি�ক্ষাার্থীীর সাাফল্যেই NYC পাাবশিল্যক স্কুুল্যসা্ -এর প্রধাান প্রাধাানে। আমরা একটি শিনরাপাদ ও ...

  10. 36345_Special-Education-Resources_20231030_Russian_Web

    Ресурсы специального образования Для учащихся NYCPS с ограниченными возможностями Успех каждого ребенка — главная задача Муниципальных школ Нью-Йорка (NYC Public Schools, NYCPS). Мы нацелены на создание в школах безопасн...

  11. 36345_Special-Education-Resources_20231030_HaitianCreole_Web

    Resous edikasyon espesyal Elèv ki gen andikap nan lekòl leta Vil Nouyòk Siksè chak timoun se premye priyorite pou Lekòl Leta NYC (NYC Public Schools, NYCPS). Nou pran angajman pou kreye yon anviwònman sennesof ak favorab...

  12. 36345_Special-Education-Resources_20231030_Urdu_Web

    خاص تعلیم وسائل این وائی سی پبلک اسکولز میں معذوری کے حامل طلبا ہر بچے کی کامیابی این وائی سی پبلک اسکولز کی اولین ترجیح ہے۔ ہم تمام بچوں کے لیے ایک ایسا محفوظ اور خیر رعزم ہیں جس ُمقدم کرنے والا ماحول تخلیق کرنے کے لیے ...