Click below to learn statistics about each respective topic, like the total number of students in the school system.
In 2023-24, there were 912,064 students in the NYC school system, the largest school district in the United States. Of those students:
- 16.3 percent of students were English Language Learners
- 21.6 percent were students with disabilities
- 73.5 percent were economically disadvantaged
- Race or ethnicity:
- 42.2 percent Hispanic
- 19.5 percent Black
- 18.7 percent Asian
- 16.2 percent White
- 1.8 percent Multi-Racial
- 1.2 percent Native American
145,997 students were enrolled in NYC charter schools in 2023-24.
Schools and Programs
There were 1,596 schools within the DOE as of the 2023-24 school year and 274 charter schools.
Test Results, Graduation Results, and Other Data
See the Information and Data(Open external link) page on the InfoHub for more detailed reports and other information about:
- Test Results
- English Language Arts & Math
- Regents exams
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- Advanced Placement exams
- Graduation Results
- Demographics
- Survey Results
- NYC School Survey
- Principal Satisfaction Survey
- School Quality
- School Quality Reports
- Quality Review Ratings
- Doing research on New York City public schools